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Master series – Ring Master Custom Ball Stretcher Kit

„Ball Strecher“ sett frá Master Series. Boxið inniheldur 6 hringi úr TPR efni og er hver hringur 2,5cm í þvermáli. Flott byrjendasett fyrir þá sem eru forvitnir um „ball streching“.


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„Ball Strecher“ sett frá Master Series. Boxið inniheldur 6 hringi úr TPR efni og er hver hringur 2,5cm í þvermáli. (strekkjast mun meir) Flott byrjendasett fyrir þá sem eru forvitnir um „ball streching“.  Með hverjum hring sem þú bætir við þá strekkist meir á pungnum. Einnig hægt að nota sem typpahring.


Discover new levels of pleasure with this customizable ball-stretching kit! Perfect for both beginners and those who want to push their limits, this set of six stretchy rings allows you to add tension one ring at a time. Find the perfect tugging sensation as your scrotum is pulled downward more and more with each ring you add. For even more excitement, use one as a cock ring to keep your member hard and pulsing with sensitivity while your balls are stretched.
Measurements: Each ring is 2,5cm in diameter, unstretched.
Material: TPR.
Color: Clear.
Note: Includes 6 rings.