ATHUGIÐ – Þessi vara er komin framyfir á dagsetningu. Samkvæmt framleiðanda dugar varan í tvö til þrjú ár eftir opnun þó opnað sé á seinasta söludegi og varan því í fullkomnu lagi.
Sleipiefnin frá Tom of Finland koma í flottum járnbrúsum og fylgir Tom of finland dogtags með þeim öllum. Allar tegundir koma með þægilegri pumpu sem hægt er að læsa með því að snúa hausnum til hliðar. Silicon sleipiefnið helst sleipt klukkustundum saman.
Magn: 240ml.
Please note that this product is past its last sell date. The manufacture states that the product will last two to three years after opening even if it is opened on its last sell date.
This super slick formula will stay smooth for hours, so you can play long and hard. The attractive metal bottle can take a beating, while the convenient pump top will cleanly dispense the perfect amount with every squeeze. Lasts as long as you need it to, and cleans up easily with soap and water with no sticky feel. Comes with a Tom of Finland dog tag.Size: 8 fl oz/240 ml.
Color: Clear.
Note: Comes with Tom of Finland dog tag.