Brjóst í skálastærð D. Þau eru stinn og raunveruleg í útliti og viðkomu. Framleidd úr hágæða phthalate fríu sílíkoni. Þau vega 2,9kg. og passa einstaklingum með brjóstkassaummál frá 76 – 152cm. Þvoið með volgu vatni og „Toy Cleaner“ eftir hverja notkun og þerrið vel. Þegar þau eru ekki í notkun skal halda þeim frá beinu sólarljósi og öðrum sílíkonvörum.
Key Features:
D Cup Breasts: These D-Cup breasts are perfect for feminization, sissification, drag queen costuming, roleplay and more! Wear them under shirts, dresses or lingerie to get a feel for wearing a pair!
Realistic Look and Feel: The breasts and nipples have a silky smooth, realistic look and feel so you can enjoy having fun solo or with a partner!
Perky and Well Supported: These boobs are pointing forward with erect nipples! They are designed to go over the shoulder and around the chest like a harness would for optimal support.
Premium Silicone: Made of premium, silky smooth, phthalate-free silicone. It is body-safe and should only be used with water-based lubricants. Clean after each use for best results.
Measurements: Cup size: D Chest stretches from 76cm to 152cm in circumference. Total weight: 2,9kg.
Materials: Silicone
Wash with warm water and toy cleaner after each use. Pat dry and store in a cool, dry location, away from direct sunlight and separated from other toys.