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Strict – Ball Stretcher with D-Ring

Pung strekkjari frá Strict. Býður upp á þann möguleika að hengja lóð/aukna þýngd á fyrir meira tog.


1 in stock


Pung strekkjari frá Strict. Býður upp á þann möguleika að hengja lóð/aukna þýngd á fyrir meira tog. Veitir aukin unað við sjálfsfróun, svipuð tilfinning eins og verið sé að toga í punginn.
Breidd: 5cm. Ummál: 12,7 – 15,2cm. Efni: PU leður og járn.


Whether you are masturbating, having sex with your lover, or being teased by your Master or Mistress, you will love the unique sensation that this ball stretcher produces. As your balls retract during stimulation, this attractive cuff will resist, simulating a tugging feeling that many men find to be the height of ecstasy. This ball stretcher will also create a stunning visual for you and your lover to be turned on by. A D-ring at the front allows you, or your partner, to attach weights or other devious accessories. The snap closures allow you to easily and quickly remove the device whenever you please.
Measurements: Adjusts from 12,7 – 15,2cm in circumference. 5cm in width.
Material: PU leather, metal.
Color: Black.